[New Release] 素晴らしきフランシス・レイの世界 Played by Piano / 青木しんたろう #Wppp_jp #amazon #yahoo #oricon #TENDERSOUNDJAPAN
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1 恋人たちのメロディ(Smic Smac Smoc)
2 男と女(Un homme et une femme)
3 パリのめぐり逢い(Vivre pour vivre)
4 ある愛の詩((Where Do I Begin?) Love Story)
5 続・エマニエル婦人(Emmanuelle au Hong Kong)
6 うたかたの恋(C’est A Mayerling)
7 雨の訪問者(Le Passager de la Pluie)
8 フレンチ・コップス(Les Ripoux)
9 愛と悲しみのボレロ(Les Unes Et Les Autres)
10 ロミー・シュナイダーの情事(Un amour de pluie)
11 栗色のマッドレー(Madly)
12 白い恋人たち(Treize Jours en France)
13 個人授業(La Lecon Particuliere)
14 冒険また冒険(L’aventure c’est l’aventure)
15 ライオンと呼ばれた男(Itineraire d’un enfant gate)
16 あの愛をふたたび(Un homme qui me plait)
17 さらば夏の日のテーマ(Du Soleil Plein Les Yeux)
18 流れ者(Le voyou)
Listen to the masterpieces of film music maestro Francis Lai performed as instrumental covers on the piano.
Many masterpieces that adorned famous movies are revived.
As a master of film music, Francis Lai has worked on numerous film scores.
When he passed away in 2018, it became major news even in Japan, drawing attention once again to the greatness of his music.
In this work, a selection of his many compositions is covered by a healing pianist.
Please enjoy the timeless world of Francis Lai, loved across generations.