[New Release] 0.0.7 / RAM ( Koichi Yamazaki ) #Wppp_jp #iTunes #applemusic #amazonmusic #linemusic #USEN #KKBOX #spotify #Deezer #Melon
RAM (Koichi Yamazaki) breaks nearly two years of silence with the highly anticipated album “0.0.7”!
This special release features everything from aggressive and electrifying beats to nostalgic and ethereal sounds that resonate deeply, all crafted from RAM’s creativity, passion, and the magic of music.
In addition to previously released singles, the album includes five brand-new tracks! Featured is “X.X.A,” with vocals by arvin homa aya, alongside RAM’s remix of “ONE MOMENT” by ASLETICS & PINK PONG. Plus, you’ll find a rich selection of RAM’s original compositions!
This is a must-listen for fans of game and dance music alike!
Download & Streaming
Buy On: USEN /OTOTOY /Tower records/ Recochoku / Amazon / iTunes / Apple music / d-music /music.jp / LINE MUSIC / Rakuten music /KKBOX / Deezer/ Melon and more
※All Over The World
RAM(Koichi Yamazaki)が約2年の沈黙を破り、待望のアルバム「0.0.7」をリリース!
arvin homa ayaがボーカルとして参加した「X.X.A」、ASLETICS & PINK PONGの「ONE MOMENT」をRAMがリミックス!その他RAMのオリジナル楽曲が濃いめに収録!