Artists, Arts Of Collective, Binaural field, CHIYO RECORDS, DaNINKS, Environmental Cinema, Fresca Connection Records, GRAM, GRATEC MOUR, Katsuya Mouri, Katsuya Mouri-A, Kaym, Label, LapisColor, Listen to the world records, luz de luz, MGRAW, Moonlight Garden, NNN RECORDS, Paradise Avenue Records, RAM, Release Infomation, Sound of eternity, SUE;ZAK, Total Infomation, Tsukuyomi-no-Usagi Records, UNITE SATISFY, Various Artists, VASTA RECORDS, ZUNDOKO ROPPONGI, ジー☆エム, 花鳥風月Project, 青木しんたろう
年末のご挨拶 #Wppp_jp
いつもWhat’suppp Entertainment 、各レーベルの音楽を聴いていただき心より感謝申し上げます。
We sincerely appreciate you listening to the music from What’s Up Entertainment and our various labels.
Thanks to your continued support throughout the year, we were able to deliver some truly amazing music.
Your unwavering support, no matter the circumstances, has been a constant source of strength for us.
Next year, we’ll be striving to reach even more people with our diverse range of music, and we’ll be working hard alongside our artists to take things to the next level.
Wishing you a wonderful New Year!