Lapis Color (ラピスカラー)は、アメリカと日本のハーフで、タレント、モデルとしても活躍中の藤崎ミシェルと、 UNITE SATISFYなど多方面のジャンルで音楽制作を続ける作曲家、 青木しんたろうの二人組ユニット。 Lapis Color is a unit of Michelle Fujisaki, biracial US and Japan TV personality and model, and Shintaro Aoki, a composer who has been creating music in many different genres such as UNITE SATISFY and so on.
Buy On: mora / oricon / /OTOTOY / mysound / recochoku / uta / Amazon / iTunes / Spotify / Apple music / d-music / / LINE MUSIC / rakuten music / and more
※All Over The World (Official onlinestore , Tower , HMV , Apple Music , Google , KKBOX , Amazon , Spotify , more)
藤崎ミシェルと青木しんたろうのユニット「Lapis Color(ラピスカラー)」が
Tsukuyomi-no-Usagi Recordsから4thシングルをリリース!
オリジナルとインストゥルメンタル ミックスを収録。
藤崎ミシェル コメント
Michelle Fujisaki and Shintaro Aoki’s unit “Lapis Color” has released a new album
4th single released from Tsukuyomi-no-Usagi Records!
Aoki’s piano and Michelle’s voice at the center of this work, you can strongly feel the energy of the music itself. The world of the past, and the world of the future. What will we feel and live on this lapis lazuli colored earth? I felt that this work liberates the mind and body with a pleasant melody. This is J-Pop electronica with a beautiful harmony of Japanese and Western music.
Includes original and instrumental mixes.
Michelle Fujisaki Message
This song was written for the earth and trees. The trees, which are like sacred sacred trees, speak to me. It makes me realize that just by living as they are, they are connected to someone’s future. I believe that trees have seen a lot of history over the years, and I wrote this song imagining that I could receive words from such a being.
2020/11/18 – LapisColorインタビュー記事を掲載