What’suppp Entertainment 2月のリリース(2作品予定) #Wppp_jp #iTunes #applemusic #amazonmusic #linemusic #USEN #KKBOX #spotify
2/13(Thu)Jiu / Katsuya Mouri 2/26(Wed)Quantum Entanglement 星の海 / GRAM ...
2/13(Thu)Jiu / Katsuya Mouri 2/26(Wed)Quantum Entanglement 星の海 / GRAM ...
いつもWhat’suppp Entertainment 、各レーベルの音楽を聴いていただき心より感謝申し上げます。今年も一年、皆様の日頃のご支援のおかげで最高の音楽を届けることができました。どのような状況の中でも変わらず応援し続けてくださる皆様。その存在が、私たちにとって大きな支えとなっております。来年も、さらに多くの方に幅広い音楽性を持つ作品を楽しんでいただけるよう、更なる飛躍を目指して、所属アーティストと共に進んでまいります。素晴らしい新年をお迎えください。 We sincerely appreciate you listening to the music from What’s Up Entertainment and our various labels.Thanks to your continued support throughout the year, we were able to deliver some truly amazing music.Your unwavering support, no matter the circumstances, has been a constant source...
RAM (Koichi Yamazaki) breaks nearly two years of silence with the highly anticipated album "0.0.7"!This special release features everything from aggressive and electrifying beats to nostalgic and ethereal sounds that resonate deeply, all crafted from RAM's creativity, passion, and the magic of music.In addition to...
Katsuya Mouri's new song "Città di Stelle"Forget the busyness of modern life and leave behind the clamor of daily routine. The piano melodies that unfold in the silence are a gentle light that accompanies lonely nights. This piece is crafted while feeling the whispers of...
MGRAW's latest album "RAW6-WonderLustSideB"A sequel to "RAW6-WonderLustSideA," released in July, this album is a masterful exploration of house and techno sounds. Harnessing MGRAW's deep curiosity and energy, it pushes the boundaries of dance music! The beats explode vividly, and the rhythms pulse like a heartbeat,...
12/4 (水) RAW6 - Wonder Lust SideB (Album) / MGRAW 12/11 (水) Città di Stelle / Katsuya Mouri 12/18 (水) 0.0.7 (Album) / RAM ...
MGRAW's latest original track, "Slumbering Orb," infuses French electro essence with a groovy beat that is both dreamy and dancefloor-ready. The sensation of dancing in the depths of the night while melting into the darkness creates a captivating, dreamlike atmosphere.In July 2024, MGRAW released their...
2年の時を経て、シンガーソングライター「ジー☆エム」2nd アルバムをリリース!「ひとつの心、ひとつの音、ひとつのアルバムに『One - 唯ひとつ』」愛や希望、葛藤、人生のさまざまな瞬間を感じたままに楽曲に閉じ込めた14曲。国内USEN HIT ランキングでランクインした楽曲も多数収録!作詞、作曲、ボーカル、編曲、ミックス、マスタリングなどすべての工程を自らが行い、この世に同じものは1つとない完全なオリジナル楽曲たち。J-popを基軸にジャンルにとらわれることのない、彼の独特な音楽世界は聴くたびに新しく特別な感覚を与えてくれるだろう。 Download & StreamingBuy On: USEN /OTOTOY /Tower records/ Recochoku / Amazon / iTunes / Apple music / d-music /music.jp / LINE MUSIC / Rakuten music /KKBOX / Deezer / Melon / and more※All Over The World After two years, singer-songwriter ジー☆エム...
Katsuya Mouri’s latest release, “Lost Code,” features a minimalist structure with a simple yet profound resonance, coupled with unpredictable avant-garde soundscapes. The inclusion of neo-classical elements results in a deep and multi-layered composition that seamlessly merges classical elegance with contemporary electronic sensibilities, creating a musical...
11/5 (火) Lost Code / Katsuya Mouri 11/13 (水) One - 唯ひとつ (Album) / ジー☆エム 11/20 (水) Slumbering Orb / MGRAW ...