Endlessly - Above the Light
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※All Over The World
最新オリジナル曲「Endlessly – Above the Light」
ゲーム音楽の『beatmania』「DanceDanceDance Revolution」「グランツーリスモ」や DRUM’N’BASSユニット『Cycle』、 GOKU・Saiko・amigo ユニット『cargo』など多数楽曲提供。日本屈指のゲーム&ダンスミュージックシーンを代表するレジェンドクリエイターのRAM(ラム)とカプコンの音楽ゲーム、m-flo ♡ chelmico のリミックス、 WOWOW制作ドラマ「TOKYO VICE」などで楽曲を提供するKatsuya Mouri(カツヤモウリ)の音楽ユニット「GRAM(グラム)」
ゲームミュージックとダンスミュージックを融合! Pops , J-Popの概念を超越していく!
The latest original song, “Endlessly – Above the Light,” carries a message of “anger and love.” This release combines fleetingness and hope in its melody and vocals, with soaring electric guitar resonating alongside grand synthesizer backings. The gradually building, thrilling bass and beats leave a lasting impression.
“GRAM” is a music unit consisting of RAM and Katsuya Mouri.
AM has provided numerous music tracks for music games such as “beatmania,” “DanceDanceDance Revolution,” and “Gran Turismo,” as well as for DRUM’N’BASS unit “Cycle” and the GOKU・Saiko・amigo unit “cargo.” RAM is a legendary creator who represents Japan’s top game and dance music scene.
Katsuya Mouri has provided music for Capcom’s music games, remixes for m-flo ♡ chelmico, and contributed to the soundtrack of the WOWOW-produced drama series “TOKYO VICE.”
They blend game music and dance music together, transcending the concepts of Pops and J-Pop.