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今作はキラキラしたシンセとカットアップされたボイス、ノリノリのハウスビートに乗せた-夏!テンションMAX!のDance Pop!
RAMのトラックメイクは国内外のサウンドが絶妙に混ぜ込まれ、 エモーショナルで壮大な世界観がある。 似たようなアーティストが存在しないだろう、日本特有の美しさとダイナミックさを兼ね備えた貴重なアーティストだ!
ゲーム音楽『beatmania』「DanceDanceDance Revolution」「グランツーリスモ」 DRUM’N’BASSユニット『Cycle』や、 GOKU・Saiko・amigo ユニット『cargo』など多数楽曲提供。
日本屈指のゲーム&ダンスミュージック シーンを代表するレジェンドクリエイターRAM(ラム)の最新シングル「I.S.N」
RAM, a legendary creator and representative figure in Japan’s game and dance music scene, has provided numerous tracks for games such as “beatmania,” “DanceDanceDance Revolution,” and “Gran Turismo.” He is also part of the drum’n’bass unit “Cycle” and the GOKU・Saiko・amigo unit “cargo.”
His latest single, “I.S.N,” is a vibrant summer anthem featuring sparkling synths, chopped-up vocals, and an energetic house beat. It’s a Dance Pop track that will boost your energy to the maximum!
RAM’s music strikes a perfect balance between game music and dance music, and it’s a song that both sets of listeners should definitely hear. His track production blends domestic and international sounds in a unique way, creating an emotional and grand atmosphere. He is a rare artist who embodies the beauty and dynamism unique to Japan, and there are no similar artists like him!