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※All Over The World
クラブミュージックならではのノリの良いGrooveと清涼感に満ちたサウンドは、踊れてチルも出来るExclusiveなOrganic House (オーガニックハウス)。
Extended Mix , Radio Mix を収録。
Introducing the latest original song “Misty^mountain” by “MGRAW,” a Japanese composer/DJ who has been continuously releasing club music since 2018.
This track features a slightly laid-back house beat with acoustic guitar, ethereal synthesizers, and chopped-up vocals that create a soothing atmosphere. The infectious groove unique to club music and the refreshing sound make it an exclusive blend of organic house, allowing you to dance and chill at the same time.
MGRAW has been gaining popularity in the underground scene. Pay attention to the meticulously crafted groove that he delivers from Japan to club and dance music fans worldwide. The release includes both an extended mix and a radio mix.