N.T.T.D (No Time To Die)-Remaster
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最新オリジナル曲「N.T.T.D (No Time To Die)」 「死んでる場合ではない」のメッセージを込めた今作はエレクトロロックとヒップホップ・ビートが混ざり合い、ノイジーなギター、 ボーカル、ファットなサウンドが力強い!ポップでありつつ重厚感や奥行きを感じさせるダンサブルチューン! 2020.12.23発売されたアーティスト「RAM」のアルバム「0.0.4」からシングルカット。リマスターを行い今回再リリースとした。 Unit by Koichi Yamazaki and Katsuya Mouri
The music unit “GRAM”
The latest original song “N.T.T.D (No Time To Die)” is imbued with the message of “No Time To Die”. In this release,
electro rock and hip-hop beats blend together, combining noisy guitars, vocals, and a fat sound to create a powerful sensation.
It’s a danceable tune that maintains a pop sensibility while also conveying a sense of weight and depth. This single was cut from
the album “0.0.4” by the artist “RAM,” which was released on December 23, 2020. It has been remastered and re-released this
time around.RAM is a legendary creator who represents Japan’s premier game and dance music scene.
They have provided numerous music contributions for games like “beatmania,” “DanceDanceDance Revolution,” and
“Gran Turismo,” as well as for the DRUM’N’BASS unit “Cycle” and the GOKU・Saiko・amigo unit “cargo.” Notably,
they are mentioned as an artist favored by Porter Robinson. And Katsuya Mouri is a music producer known for providing music for
Capcom’s music games, remixing tracks for artists like m-flo ♡ chelmico, and contributing to the music of the WOWOW-produced drama “TOKYO VICE.” Blending game music and dance music! Going beyond the realms of Pop and J-Pop concepts!