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※All Over The World
2021年 新進気鋭のアーティスト「ジー☆エム」として新たにスタートした「Katsuya Mouri」のソロボーカルプロジェクト。新たな邦楽の可能性を押し広げていく!最高に楽しく染みジワる「ジー☆エム」を絶対に聴くべし!
2022年12月過去作”凄腕のポーカーフェイス(改)” が iTunes Store (イギリス) の “J-Pop トップミュージックビデオ” の1位にランクイン!
In 2021, the up-and-coming artist “Katsuya Mouri” started a new solo vocal project under the name “G.M.” His latest work, ”
Our Neverland,” is a refreshing upbeat summer tune perfect for drives and camping by the seaside!
With the cutting of an acoustic guitar that evokes the breeze of South America, accompanied by the resonating sound of piano and horns, a unique J-pop style emerges. The mellow melody stands out amidst the wild sound, creating a distinctive atmosphere.
t expands the possibilities of Japanese music and is definitely worth listening to for the fun and unique sound of G☆M,
who creates one-of-a-kind songs that go beyond genres.
In December 2022, “Gambler” entered the top spot of the “J-Pop Top Music Video” on iTunes Store (UK).