マインドフルネス瞑想ガイド-Sounds of India / binaural field (LTTW-0007)

Artist: binaural field
Label: Listen to the world records
Release Date: 2022-02-27
Available Now On:
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Album Review

私たちは皆様のより良いライフスタイルをサポートさせていただき、コンセプトを大事に楽曲を制作。バイノーラルレコーディング・ハイレゾレコーディングで現地録音した環境音を加えた楽曲などを展開。 We create music with the concept of supporting your better lifestyle. The music is developed with the addition of environmental sounds recorded locally with binaural and high-resolution recording.

1. 水の呼吸(Sounds of India) - Breathing water
2. 地の呼吸(Sounds of India) - Breathing land
3. 風の呼吸(Sounds of India) - Breathing wind
4. 空の呼吸(Sounds of India) - Breathing sky
About New Album

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高品質のピアノ作品、環境音等を用いた人気シリーズを手掛けるヒーリング/イージーリスニングの人気シリーズを手掛けるSound of eternityから新しいコンセプトのコンピレーションアルバムが登場。


※All Over The World

Based on the concept of yoga and meditation, the album contains a total of 30 minutes of music.
Indian instruments (tabla, sitar) and binaural recordings of nature sounds (river, sea, wind, etc.) are used, and the frequency is unified at 432 Hz.
The album is also available as a single track, but I recommend purchasing the album as a whole for the best price!
We hope this will be a suggestion for a better lifestyle for everyone.

A new concept compilation album from Sound of eternity, a popular healing/easy listening series that uses high quality piano works and environmental sounds.

This product is a high-resolution sound source (high quality sound source, Hi-Res) compatible work.

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