[New Release] We’re Off to Mars / MGRAW #Wppp_jp #iTunes #appleMusic #spotify #amazon #LINEMUSIC #USEN
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※All Over The World
Extended Mix , Radio Mix 更に Overdrive Mix を収録。
2018年から今までにクラブミュージックを続々リリースしている日本のコンポーザー/DJ「MGRAW」の最新オリジナル曲「We’re Off to Mars」
Japanese composer/DJ “MGRAW,” who has been consistently releasing club music since 2018, presents their latest original track titled “We’re Off to Mars.” This song embodies the energetic groove unique to club music, combined with a powerful and impactful sound. It features a dark yet pop electro vibe, creating an innovative and uncompromising live techno tune. Keep an eye on the dedicated groove that MGRAW delivers to club/dance music fans worldwide, originating from Japan! The release includes an Extended Mix, Radio Mix, and an additional Overdrive Mix.