[New Release] Lost Code / Katsuya Mouri #Wppp_jp #iTunes #applemusic #amazonmusic #linemusic #USEN #KKBOX #spotify
Katsuya Mouri’s latest release, “Lost Code,” features a minimalist structure with a simple yet profound resonance, coupled with unpredictable avant-garde soundscapes. The inclusion of neo-classical elements results in a deep and multi-layered composition that seamlessly merges classical elegance with contemporary electronic sensibilities, creating a musical landscape that transcends time and space.
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Buy On: USEN /OTOTOY /Tower records/ Recochoku / Amazon / iTunes / Apple music / d-music /music.jp / LINE MUSIC / Rakuten music /KKBOX / Spotify and more
※All Over The World
Katsuya Mouriの新曲「Lost Code」シンプルでありながら深い響きを持つミニマルな構造と、予測不可能なアヴァンギャルドな音響。