本日正式リリース!「LEEK-Special Edition / SUE;ZAK」&歌詞掲載 #NNN_RECORDS
Everyone is carrot,cabbage,cucumber,
pickle,potato,eggplant and LEEK.
Everyone is waste, spent,grease,
fresh,stink,gross,trush vegitable!
Thing that U saying it won`t make any sense yeah!
Thing that U saying it won`t make any difference!
Everything that you touching turns out the rock!
Everything that you touching turns out the rock, yeah!
All the fighting is ending just for another WAR!
All the fighting is ending just for another WAR!
You gotta pay the money back that you owe!
Next life
I’ll see you next life.
Even I lost my memories.
Maybe it had to be this way,
It just have to be this way.
Maybe We go over and over,
we go over again.
back and foward past and future,
sinking floating again.
I’ll see you in next life.
Maybe it had to be this way.
I’ll see you in next life.
It just have to be this way.
「LEEK-Special Edition / SUE;ZAK」
レーベルコンピレーションアルバム-White-に収録された「LEEK」がSpecial Editionとして登場。
レーベルを代表するGRATEC MOUR、RAM、UNITE SATISFYによる珠玉のリミックスバージョンに加え、
SUE;ZAK自身によるLive Editがパッケージングされた、まさにSpecialな作品となっている。