Producer / Artist / Composer / Singer Songwriter / DJ .
「ジー☆エム」は2021年 新進気鋭のアーティストとして新たにスタートした「Katsuya Mouri」のソロボーカルプロジェクト。 J-Popを基軸にジャンルを飛び越え、個性輝く唯一無二の楽曲を創造!すべての工程を自らが行うマルチプレイヤーである。 2022年12月過去作”凄腕のポーカーフェイス(改)” が iTunes Store (イギリス) の “J-Pop トップミュージックビデオ” の1位にランクイン! 国内USEN HIT SNSランキングでは新作がピックアップ「僕らのNeverland」12位、「Deep in Love-深く静かなアマルフィ」13位、 「サイケデリックなラブ」17位、「ほのかなブルー」19位、「アイAiミライ – Past Present Future 」20位でランクイン! 躍進中!
G☆M (ジー☆エム)
“G☆M” is the solo vocal project of “Katsuya Mouri,” who emerged as a promising artist in 2021.Creating unique songs that transcend genres,
rooted in J-Pop, where individuality shines brightly! He is a multi-player who handles all stages of the process himself.
In December 2022, the past work “gambler” ranked 1st on the “J-Pop Top Music Videos” chart on the iTunes Store (UK)!
In the domestic USEN HIT SNS rankings, the new releases are picking up momentum: “Neverland” at 12th place, “Deep in Love” at 13th place,
“Psychedelic Love” at 17th place, and “Faint Blue” at 19th place, 「AiaiMirai – Past Present Future 」20th place! They are on the rise!
Starting from 2024, I’ll be involved in a separate project focusing on sound production for female teen artists and participating in
music games as a unit! Keep an eye out for our future activities!