[New Release] T.T.I / RAM #Wppp_jp #iTunes #appleMusic #spotify #amazon #LINEMUSIC
Music Download & Streaming Release
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※All Over The World
ゲーム音楽『beatmania』「DanceDanceDance Revolution」「グランツーリスモ」 DRUM’N’BASSユニット『Cycle』や、 GOKU・Saiko・amigo ユニット『cargo』など多数楽曲提供。日本屈指のゲーム&ダンスミュージック シーンを代表するレジェンドクリエイターRAM(ラム)の最新シングル!
今作はRAMの真骨頂であるメロディックなドラムンベースに注目だ! Jazzyなピアノにのせて風の中を駆け抜けていくようなビート、 透明感に満ちたシンセが絶妙に気持ち良く、前衛的でモダンなドラムンベース。 RAMのトラックメイクは国内外のサウンドが絶妙に混ぜ込まれ、 エモーショナルで壮大な世界観がある。 似たようなアーティストが存在しないだろう、 日本特有の美しさとダイナミックさを兼ね備えた貴重なアーティストだ!
RAM is a legendary creator representing the game and dance music scene in Japan,
having provided numerous music works such as for game music titles like
“beatmania,” “DanceDanceDance Revolution,” and “Gran Turismo” during his tenure at Sony.
He has also been a member of the DRUM’N’BASS unit “Cycle,” and the GOKU・Saiko・amigo unit “cargo,” among others.
This latest release highlights RAM’s true essence, which is melodic drum and bass!
The jazzy piano melody coupled with beats that feel like running through the wind,
and the transparent synths that create a modern and avant-garde drum and bass sound are simply exquisite.
RAM’s track production mixes sounds from both domestic and international sources, resulting in an emotional and grandiose world view.
There is no other artist quite like RAM, who possesses a unique combination of Japanese beauty and dynamism.