[New Release] HOTARU – Shape of my heart / Katsuya Mouri #Wppp_jp #iTunes #appleMusic #spotify #amazon #LINEMUSIC #USEN
「Katsuya Mouri」3作目「HOTARU – Shape of my heart」 蛍が放つ魅惑的で幻想的な光。
自然破壊を止め、自然を再生していく。生物多様性のためにできること。 持続可能な社会、未来に向けて私たちができることを考える。
Music Videoも同時公開。刺激的な要素にポップさを併せ持つ独創的なニューエイジ・ミュージック。
Katsuya Mouri’s third single, “HOTARU – Shape of my heart,” is inspired by the captivating and fantastical light emitted by fireflies. The single aims to put an end to the destruction of nature and promote its restoration,
while considering what we can do for biodiversity and towards creating a sustainable society and future. The single’smusicvideowassimultaneouslyreleased,
featuring a unique new age music style that combines stimulating elements with pop sensibilities.
Download & Streaming
Buy On: USEN /OTOTOY /Tower records/ recochoku / Amazon / iTunes / Spotify / Apple music / d-music /music.jp / LINE MUSIC / rakuten music / and more
Music Video
Buy On: iTunes Store , Apple Music , レコチョク , music.jp , Rec TV , LINE MUSIC , amazon music
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