[New Release] Joy of life / MGRAW #Wppp_jp #iTunes #appleMusic #spotify #amazon #LINEMUSIC #USEN
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※All Over The World
2018年から今までにクラブミュージックを続々リリースしている日本のコンポーザー/DJ「MGRAW」の最新オリジナル曲「Joy of life」
80年/90年クラブサウンドを思い出させる鮮やかなピアノ&ストリングス、アッパーなビートで駆け抜け高揚感に包まれるFuture House!
Japanese composer/DJ “MGRAW,” who has been releasing club music one after another since 2018, presents the latest original track “Joy of Life.”
This Future House track is filled with excitement as it races through with a bright piano and strings that recall the 80s/90s club sound, along with upbeat beats that bring to mind .
Don’t miss out on the energetic groove that he has put his heart and soul into, delivering it from Japan to the rest of the world!