[New Release] Burning Fire – 鼓動 / ジー☆エム #Wppp_jp #iTunes #appleMusic #spotify #amazon #LINEMUSIC #USEN
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※All Over The World
2021年 新進気鋭のアーティスト「ジー☆エム」として新たにスタートした「Katsuya Mouri」のソロボーカルプロジェクト。
今作「Burning Fire – 鼓動」は闘う者達へ想いを馳せて作り上げた渾身の1曲。
2022年12月過去作”凄腕のポーカーフェイス(改)” が iTunes Store (イギリス) の “J-Pop トップミュージックビデオ” の1位にランクイン!
In 2021, a rising artist named “Katsuya Mouri” started a solo vocal project under the name “G☆M”. The single “Burning Fire” was created with heartfelt thoughts for fighters. The sound is a fusion of Rock & Electronic/Techno & J-Pop, with striking and melodic breakbeats that follow rave culture. It expands the possibilities of Japanese music and is definitely worth listening to for the fun and unique sound of G☆M, who creates one-of-a-kind songs that go beyond genres.
In December 2022, “Gambler” entered the top spot of the “J-Pop Top Music Video” on iTunes Store (UK). In May of this year, “Deep in Love” was picked up by Apple Music’s “New in J-Pop” and “New Music Daily” and has already surpassed 1900 plays. Additionally, “Psychedelic Love” released in March has ranked 17th on the USEN JPOP chart. G☆M’s momentum continues as of May 13, 2023