[New Release] 12月の恋人 – Everlasting Love / ジー☆エム #Wppp_jp #iTunes #appleMusic #spotify #amazon #LINEMUSIC #USEN
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※All Over The World
今作「12月の恋人 – Everlasting Love 」は、冬、クリスマスシーズンにぴったりのロマンティックなラブソング。
「ジー☆エム」は2021年 新進気鋭のアーティストとして新たにスタートした「Katsuya Mouri」のソロボーカルプロジェクト。
2022年12月過去作”凄腕のポーカーフェイス(改)” が iTunes Store (イギリス) の “J-Pop トップミュージックビデオ” の1位にランクイン!
The latest release, “December – Everlasting Love,” is a romantic love song perfectly suited for the winter and Christmas season. It harmoniously blends a sweet melody that envelops you with a warm and gentle atmosphere with an up-tempo rhythm based on dance and house music. Picture walking hand in hand with your loved one in a city where the sound of bells fills the air. With this song, the hope is to spread love and joy throughout the city.
“G☆M” is the solo vocal project of “Katsuya Mouri,” who embarked on a new journey as an emerging artist in 2021. Going beyond the boundaries of J-Pop, he creates unique and distinctive music that shines with individuality. He is a multi-talented artist who handles every aspect of his work.
In December 2022, his previous work, “Gambler),” ranked first in the “J-Pop Top Music Video” category on the iTunes Store (UK).