[New Release] Sea / Katsuya Mouri #Wppp_jp #iTunes #AppleMusic #spotify #amazon #LINEMUSIC #USEN #musicvideo
「Katsuya Mouri」5作目「Sea」
命を繋いできた壮大な記憶。命という壮大かつ永遠のテーマを歌った楽曲。 叙情的なアコースティックギターサウンドが心地良く、開放感と透明感に満ちたアンビエントミュージック。
Music Videoも同時発売。
Download & Streaming
Buy On: USEN /OTOTOY /Tower records/ Recochoku / Amazon / iTunes / Spotify / Apple music / d-music /music.jp / LINE MUSIC / Rakuten music /KKBOX and more
Music Video
Buy On: iTunes Store , Apple Music , Rekochoku , music.jp , Rec TV , LINE MUSIC , amazon music and more
※All Over The World
“Sea,” the fifth work by Katsuya Mouri, intricately weaves together grand memories that have connected lives. This song explores the majestic and eternal theme of life itself. With its lyrical acoustic guitar sound, the music provides a pleasant experience, creating an ambient atmosphere filled with a sense of openness and transparency. The Music Video is also released simultaneously.