Producer / Artist / Composer / Singer Songwriter / DJ .
「KATSUYA MOURI」Design × Music ソロプロジェクトKaym(カイム)。動と静をコンセプトにサウンドデザインを構築。ピアノ、シンセ、民族楽器、バイノーラルレコーディングなどジャンルを超えた様々な音を多用する。細部まで作り込まれたサウンドは実験的でアート性を重要視したエレクトロニカ、アンビエントミュージック。
2020年 8月 1st Album「Rhythmic Movement」
様々な表情を見せるクリエイターではあるが、独自の哲学のもと作品を創り出すことに重きを置いている。 Kaym以外のプロジェクト – ジー☆エム / MGRAW / DaNINKS / GRATEC MOUR /Arts Of Collective / GRAM など


Producer / Artist / Composer / Singer Songwriter / DJ .
KATSUYA MOURI” Design × Music solo project “Kaym”. His sound design is based on the concept of movement and stillness. He uses a variety of sounds beyond genres such as piano, synths, ethnic instruments, and binaural recordings. The sound is experimental and artistic, with an emphasis on electronica and ambient music.
August 2020 1st Album “Rhythmic Movement”.
Although he is a creator who shows many different expressions, he focuses on creating works based on his own philosophy. Projects other than Kaym – G☆M / MGRAW / DaNINKS / GRATEC MOUR /Arts Of Collective / GRAM etc.


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